Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mission Complete...almost.

Remember the Frog Hunt we went on last week? Well, we went on another one yesterday with some of the neighbor kids (phew...pressure off Mommy) and we came home with these!

It just about made Jack's day! Who am I kidding...I know for sure it made Jack's whole week!

Oh, you can't see them from this view?
Here is close-up because I know this might make your day as well!

That's just not any frog...that is a ginormous bull frog! 

Gosh, it was so big that is almost looked like it might start talking!?!?

Jack was just beaming the whole time they were catching these nasty things.
He kept saying, "Mommy, we are catching frogs because we are frog hunters."

 **The almost part is because we still need to get Pat out there for some hunting!

One more thing......
This little man has been showing his personality A LOT more lately! He brought me these items all.on.his.own yesterday and wanted me to help him put them on! I wonder who he is trying to be like? Sorry, they are a little blurry as I was trying super fast to catch this before he ran off away from me!


Michelle said...

I just showed Chase Jack's big frog (which looks sooo gross). He said, "I need my Jack. We're going to go for a snake hunt. And race our gators."

Anne Wallisch said...

AWWHHHHHH! I love these little guys, can't wait for a GiGi and Jack GIANT Frog Hunt!
Hang on Jack,,,,,,,,,,,I'm coming.