Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Frog Hunt

We're going on a frog hunt.

We're going to catch a big one.
Oh what a beautiful day, we're not scared.
Oh no, a pond! A thick, slimy green pond!
We mommy can't go in it, we mommy can't go through it...we'll have to go around it.

And that is just what the boys and I did this morning.
Walked around this pond in search of a big, giant frog for the Jackers.
Here is what we wrangled up...


Oh, did I say "big, giant" frog?
Oops, I guess I did. 
Well, in order to catch one of those we needed to get in the pond.
I was just not ready for that, I mean, it was our first frog catching and all.
Besides that is more of a "daddy thing" I had O-Man with and my camera.

Jackers didn't care what size they were. 
He was just happy catching them and catching them with his net.
Next time we daddy will help will get one of those loud, bull-frogs..I promise! 

Just to show that O was there. 
Mr. No Fear-Destructo Man Owen would have jumped right in for his brother, but he wouldn't have known what he was catching!

**The above adapted from the book, We're Going on a Bear of our favorites!

1 comment:

Anne Wallisch said...

Going on a Frog Hunt, Frog Hunt, Frog Hunt - I'll jump in!
Love that tale! Totally boy (and little Nicole) I might add! I'm sure you remember your early days at the creek with Andy and his friends! Like Momma, like sons!