Monday, May 3, 2010


Busy doing yard work!

Last spring/summer, I was still so bummed about moving here along with the fact that I had a brand new baby and a toddler, that I truly did absolutely no planting of anything! Nothing! I was boycotting this whole Michigan thing. But now that it is officially Spring and I have lived here for well over one year, I decided the boycott must end. And to be honest, I was a little bummed when Spring began and my yard looked blah!  So, I must move on and planting must begin....which we started this past weekend! 

Yard Project #1: 
Landscaping under/around our deck.

After working on this for two days, we are almost done! Our deck is built-up on a small mound and whenever it rains, the water gushes down through these boulders, loosening them each time. One actually fell on Jack last summer...yikes! So, we (Pat) have worked really hard to make the boulders more secure. We (me) then just needed to pretty it up a bit! After bags and bags and bags of mulch along with new plants, it's almost done!  Now that this side looks so pretty, we (Pat) need to do some landscaping to the other side as well!?!

Each day, we put Owen down for his nap and then for 3 hours worked like little 'worker ants" on this project. We let Jack stay up as he loves these types of projects. Why, you ask?

1. He gets to play in the dirt

2. He gets to search for interesting rocks, little buried treasures, bugs and worms.
Of which, I think he found one of each.
Do you see him there? Jack is looking at him ever so fondly!

Yep, an earthworm. He could play with that thing for hours and hours.

He only let the earthworm back into the wild when he was tempted by some "man-time" with his dad. Boys?!?!
No worries though, today he found a caterpillar! More about that later!!

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