Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fieldtrip to North America?

Some kinda big changes are in the works in this family. I have been meaning to document them on my little blog, but too many are happening all at once and I simply have not found the time. One biggie (besides relocating to a new(er) State, selling a house, deciding not to build the house that we have been planning on building for the past three months, starting the home search again, finding a house we love and making an offer, living with my mom temporarily, and continuing to provide stability/routine for our lil' munchkins) is that I am going back to work (very) part-time and the boys will be going to daycare when I work. Eeek! 

I have felt pretty okay about this situation, up until tonight when I was packing up all of the things they need for their first day. I know that it will be good for me to work in a job that I love and it will be good for the boys to socialize and learn with other kids their ages in a different setting, but the idea of being away from them is pulling at my heart strings. Majorly pulling, like my heart is a little achey and my tummy hurts. Darn you mom guilt, you're always lingering!

Because I have been planning this day for so long both with excitement and dread, I decided today needed to be extra special and extra fun. I took the boys to the Mall of America or as Jack kept saying, "Momma, are we getting closer to the North America yet?" Our destination...Nickelodean Universe. I have to admit, I was nervous taking on this adventure by myself with my two boys and one stroller, but I was hoping for the best. And it was better than the best...it was fantastic! We truly had such a blast the three of us. We went on a bunch of rides (some twice), walked around in awe of this huge mall (the boys did), shoved our mouths with corn dogs, giggled with excitement and even got in a little shopping (just a smidge, for meaw). It was a day better than I ever expected....I hope tomorrow is too.
 The boys within minutes of leaving the mall. 
Sound asleep with their loveys and ketchup stained faces dreaming of their theme park favorites, the choo-choo (Owen) and the bus (Jack).

Oh, how I love these two!

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