1. I love when Jackers sits at the kitchen counter while I work. He eats his snack, puts together one of his puzzles or just simply talks to me. He is currently my little "Mr. Why". Why this and why that and why this again and why that again?!?! It makes me laugh, it makes me frustrated, it makes me stumble, but overall it makes me happy that he is so inquisitive about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!
2. I am currently reading this book:
And it's superb! I have started probably 5 or 6 books in the last year, none of which grabbed my attention and kept me wanting more! None. That is not the case for this book though, so far it's great!
3. South Haven 2010: First Visit of the Season
The boys could NOT get enough of this!
Owen would take Pat's hand and walk him out into the water just so Pat would throw him up in the air like this. O giggled and giggled and giggled!
Jack was absolutely thrilled to be at the beach!
Sand, water, shells, birds, boats and fish make him beyond happy!
His constant discovery is so pure and refreshing to watch.
At the moment, most pictures of Jack are action shots. However, if he sees me taking a picture of his brother than he becomes more than willing to cooperate for a more posed shot!
Owen loved the beach too. He kept putting his whole face in the sand. I'm not sure why he kept doing this, maybe it felt cool against his skin. It was 110% more fun for me too now that Owen is walking, talking babling and feeding himself.
4. Owen recently picked up on the "CHEEEEEEESE"!
5. I want to make one of
THESE. I don't have an old crib, but I recently bought an old, white twin headboard that I think will work perfect....kinda like
THIS. And my list gets longer!
6. Do you spend money on something for yourself (and only yourself) every week as a treat to YOU? I do, it's flowers (and magazines, too...I might be slightly addicted to magazines, but we won't get into that right now)! It's never anything too fancy, I just buy them at the grocery store or farmer's market put them in a mason jar with some rocks and maybe a ribbon and voila...instant happiness!!
Try it sometime :)
7. Speaking of farmer's markets, oh how I love them! This past Saturday, Pat and I had the entire day to ourselves without our boys. Our babysitter, Casey, is going away for the summer to work at a camp in the
Pocono Mountains and she offered up an overnight with the boys before she leaves. Well, that happened to be this past weekend and we spent our day in Grand Rapids, starting off the morning with breakfast and then the
Fulton Street Farmer's Market. I brought my camera to capture the amazingness (not a word?!) that a farmer's market brings, but it was so busy that this is all I got!
We picked up a bunch of good stuff!
8. Another part of our day was spent becoming official members of
Costco, which we are super pumped about! The happiness over this, however, kinda made me feel old!
9. When we got home and brought in all of our things, I had a bag from
Ann Taylor LOFT (I HEART this store). Well, Casey informed me that she loves this store too, but that her sorority sisters make fun of her for shopping there because they say it is a "Mom Store" and it sells "Mom Clothes". *SIGH* Which then reaffirmed that I am old....ugh! I totally disagree it is most definitely NOT a "Mom Store", NO way!
About four summers ago we were living in Bethlehem, PA. I was newly pregnant with Jack, I had just finished nursing school, I was studying for my R.N. Boards and I was starting my first R.N. job in the emergency department of a hospital. Needless to say, we I was busy and I felt sickly gross that entire time.
My good friend Erin from college and her husband who happened to live in Philadelphia kept telling us about this awesome show they had been watching and they loved it so much that they bought the first two seasons on DVD. That show happened to be LOST. To get through that crazy time, we decided to borrow their DVD's and see what this show was all about! We loved it, we were hooked and it became the one show Pat and I enjoyed watching together.
I was sad when it ended on Sunday night because of all that I wrote above. I, however, have been confused about the show the past two seasons, the writers lost me somewhere in between the past, present, 1974, 2004 and the what-if. But, I stayed true and watched the show through it's finale. If I ever had a question (which was a lot), I called my brother, Keefe, a total "Lostie". The finale was okay, but I felt it was a bit of a cop-out and it still left me confused. Then Keefe posted this to his Facebook:
"Alright, the island was real and it was
purgatory for all the bad people in the world...the
flash-sideways/alternate reality was actually purgatory for
the good people on the show until they were all dead and could move on
to heaven together. The FS/AR was a holding area/purgatory that the
...Losties somehow ...created in their collective subconscious
together because they couldn't move on without each other."
Nope, doesn't help..still confused! Oh well, it still was a great show and I am sad that it is dunzo!
11. A homemade water slide makes my Jackers....
one ecstatic little boy!