Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

Cheers to you and yours on this first day of the New Year...2013!!
(minus Addy, she was already asleep for the night)

We cooked up a feast last night to celebrate New Year's Eve. We had steak filets with Gorgonzola butter and Garlic Butter Baked King Crab Legs (btw..this recipe was amazing!). We toasted our Sparkling Apple Cider and talked about what we thought we did good at in 2012 and what we want to get better at in 2013. Jack..basketball, Owen...riding his new green bike, Pat..prioritization, Nicole..organization. We let the boys stay up as long as they as they wanted and they could decide when it was bedtime. Owen made it until about 10:00 pm when he then actually asked to go to bed and Jack stayed up to watch the ball drop in NYC at 11:00 pm when we then all went to bed. We snuggled on the couch, played games and watched a few NYE specials (and what I hope is the last of Psy..ugh!). It was perfect!

During the day, Pat and I went on a day date to Chipotle and to the movie, Les Miserables. I was a complete newbie to this story as I had never seen the musical production. Wow, it was such a great movie...I loved it!

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