Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Budding Arteeest

In the last few months, Owen has really taken a liking to art, specifically drawing, painting and cutting (he could use a scissors to cut paper for hours and he's really into cutting out hearts right now). He comes home from preschool with his folder plum full of random artwork he creates while he is there. One of my favorite things about Owen's preschool is that they have an art room for the kiddos and it's open for creating during their free play time. It must be one of Owen's favorite things as well, because at his preschool conference last night, his teachers told us he in there doing art any chance he can get. Love.

Due to Thanksgiving, Owen has been drawing a lot of hand turkeys which I cherish and have hanging around our house everywhere. However, in an effort to move onto the next holiday, I showed him how he could maybe make a Christmas Tree or a hand print reindeer. He took a liking to the tree idea and went for it.

And before I knew it, Owen had created his first drawing of a Christmas Tree.

Impressive little duder..impressive!


Anne Wallisch said...

Love this................GiGi

Anne Wallisch said...

Love this................GiGi