I absolutely LOVE watching Jack swim and run all over the beach! He laughs that deep belly laugh that just makes my heart melt and puts a HUGE smile on my face!
And O hanging out on the beach! He was fascinated with the feeling of sand, he was digging his toes and fingers through it.
Pat and Owen..ahhh..I'm in love!
Taking (trying to take) a photograph of a 2.5 year old and a 7 month old is so difficult, especially when there is sand to play with.
Look at Mommy...over here...OMG, "What's this?"...Look...nope!
OMG..Mommy has some M&M's..want some M&M's, a donut, a cookie..Nope!
Is there a birdie on Mommy's head? Nope!
Please..just look right here guys..real quick..one picture..NOPE!
Oh well..we still had a great time!