is alittle about Jack:
At his 15 month check-up his stats were as follows:
Weight: 27 lbs. Height: 32 1/4 inches Head Circ.: 50 cm WOW!!!
He is running all around this house and finally outside, he is talking..his vocabulary consists of: "mama". "dada", "geegee", "kitty", "hot", "all-dee (all done)", etc........he understands almost everything we say and/or ask him to do, some examples:
-we say: time for a bath..he starts crawling up the stairs to the bathroom
-we say: should we eat breakfast?...he goes to his highchair and pulls on it
-we say: time to change your diaper...he goes to the spot we change his diaper and lays down
-we say: let's put your shoes on..he goes and gets his shoes and brings them to us and sits down on my lap and sticks out his feet
And just recently...Jack finally got his hair cut for the first time!!!! He has always had a lot of hair..bright blonde, thick, straight hair..that basically, I just could not find the heart to part with....well, when his bangs started growing past his was time! So, it looks super cute..and Jack is officially a "Big Boy"!!
And here are a few from easter:
Ty and Jack The boys with GeeGee Jack, Ty and the twins: Abbie and Maggie